@extends('ckfinder::samples/layout') @section('content')

CKEditor Integration

CKEditor 5

To integrate CKFinder with CKEditor 5 all you have to do is pass some additional configuration options to CKEditor:

	.create( document.querySelector( '#editor2' ), {
		ckfinder: {
            // Use named route for CKFinder connector entry point
			uploadUrl: '@{{ route('ckfinder_connector') }}?command=QuickUpload&type=Files'
	} )
	.catch( error => {
		console.error( error );
	} );

The sample below presents the result of the integration. Try pasting images from clipboard directly into the editing area as well as dropping images — the files will be saved on the fly by CKFinder.

CKEditor 4

To integrate CKFinder with CKEditor all you have to do is pass some additional configuration options to CKEditor:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	// Use named CKFinder browser route
	filebrowserBrowseUrl: '@{{ route('ckfinder_browser') }}',
	// Use named CKFinder connector route
	filebrowserUploadUrl: '@{{ route('ckfinder_connector') }}?command=QuickUpload&type=Files'
} );

It is also possible to use CKFinder.setupCKEditor() as shown below, to automatically setup integration between CKEditor and CKFinder:

var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'ckfinder' );
CKFinder.setupCKEditor( editor );

The sample below presents the result of the integration. You can manage and select files from your server when creating links or embedding images in CKEditor 4 content. In modern browsers you may also try pasting images from clipboard directly into the editing area as well as dropping images — the files will be saved on the fly by CKFinder.

@stop @section('scripts') @stop